About me

Hello! My name is Diana and this is my personal blog. Because I am always thinking about food and cooking, here you will essentially see my favorite recipes and thoughts on food. Sometimes I will also write about and show you some of my traveling adventures and my everyday life. 

Let me tell you a few things about me.

I love vegetables.

I love the sea and can't imagine living far from it.

I love gardening and listening to podcasts at the same time.

I have a very talented filmmaker brother and a lovely baby sister. I'll have another baby sister in August.

I practice Yoga and learn A LOT from it.

I will often talk about m. - he is my boyfriend.

I live in Lisbon.

My grandmother was English and she always had her 5 o'clock tea.

My favorite tea is Earl Grey.

I have the same group of girlfriends since I was 10 years old.

My grandfather cooked the most perfect barbecued meat.

In the end of 2013 I left my job as a civil engineer and started a long term travel around the Pacific Ocean.

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